Thank you for visiting our website.

We do everything we can to protect your personal data from attacks by third parties. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we would like to inform you of what happens to your data.

GDPR Responsible

If you have any questions about the protection of your data, please contact the service responsible for data collection and processing:


8 allée du Château Sury



+ 33 3 88 56 30 06

Information about the data that we use

What types of data are we likely to collect and when?

During your website visit, we may, with your consent, collect your personal data. Date are mainly collected:

  • When you fill in our contact form. Your data is then only processed to respond to your request.
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter. Your data is only processed to send you our newsletters by e-mail.

Thus, we will ask you to provide your personal information, the name of your company, your e-mail address and your telephone number.

Who will use your data?

Your personal data is processed by our sales teams, and possibly by our marketing department.

Data retention period

We store our personal date during the time required to process it. Without notification from you, your data will be deleted from our database within 36 months, in accordance with the Right to be Forgotten under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Your privacy rights

As a user, you have the right to:

  • To refuse the collection of your data.
  • Access, rectify and erase this data by sending a request to the GDPR responsible service whose contact details are given above.
  • Lodge a complaint with the CNIL.

As described above, the collection of this data is in not mandatory for the user. However, it is our responsibility to inform you that if you refuse the data collection, you may no longer be able to access all the functionalities of our website.


How cookies work

Cookies are text files that save and analyze the user’s browsing, movements and consultation or consumption habits to enable, among other things, the display of targeted advertising and personalized marketing campaigns.

We differentiate between essential and non-essential cookies. Essential cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Non-essential cookies are used to analyze and enhance the user experience.

Types of cookies

We use different types of non-essential cookies:

  • Functional cookies, which enable access to some features such as sharing website content on social media platforms, collecting comments and other third-party functions.
  • Analytical cookies, which are used for marketing purposes to provide you with the most personalized experience possible. They analyze how the user interacts with the different pages of the site via Google Analytics.
  • Advertising cookies, which are used to offer you personalized advertising based on the pages you have visited and to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

We also use other cookies which, by their nature, cannot be listed in one of the above categories. These cookies relate either to our e-mailing software or to your browsing of our site directly.

How can I change my preferences or deactivate cookies?

You can view and change your preferences at any time by clicking on the Cookies tab at the bottom left of your screen.

If you modify these settings, it is important to note that certain functions and services may be unavailable, as they depend on the website remembering the choices you have made.